Questions & Answers related to Imam Mahdi (ajtf)



Question 1

Verse 285 from Chapter Baqarah lays down the principles of a believer’s faith. However, amongst these principles, nothing is mentioned about belief in Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). Similarly, verse 136 from Chapter Nisa talks about infidelity and faith. But we find no command about belief in Imam’s existence nor does it specify that disbelief in Imam (a.t.f.s.) amounts to infidelity. Is belief in Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) one of the principles of faith and would disbelief in him lead one to infidelity?

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Question 2

Is there any verse or verses in the Qur’an about Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)?

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Question 3

Have other religions, too, given glad-tiding about the manifestation of a just saviour? Or this belief restricted to Islam only? What are the specialities, of this saviour and the promised Mahdi, in Islam and particularly so in Shia?

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Question 4

Question 1

The holy Qur’an has not confined the Imams to twelve in number. In a ‘Dua’ come down in the Qur’an we ask Allah about Imamate. It says:  “O Allah…and make us guides to those who guard (against evil).” (Qur’an, 25:74) In another place it says: “And We made them Imams who guided (people) by Our command.” (Qur’an, 21:74). At another place, it calls the prophets as Imams and still further mentions that the unbelievers too have Imams: “Then fight the leaders of unbelief – surely their oaths are nothing.” (Qur’an, 9:12) In one way, all the oppressed ones during Firaun’s era are Imams. So the Imams are not twelve in number. How can we say Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) is the 12th Imam?

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Question 5

Please give a detailed explanation about the names of Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)?

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Question 6

In Ziarat-e-Aale-Yasin, we recite:

السلام عليك يا داعي الله…. (Salutation be upon you O the one inviting (people) towards Allah!) where as the holy Qur’an says Allah’s messenger is the one inviting people towards Allah!

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Question 7

When was Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) born? There exist diverse sayings about 15th Shaban. In Vol 51 of Bihar-ul-Anwar, various dates are mentioned like: 24th Ramazan, 9th Rabi’ul-Awwal, 15th Ramazan, 3rd Shaban, 8th Shaban and Thursday night of Ramazan. Anyhow, what is the date of his birth?

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Question 8

Please explain about this tradition or saying:

“ كلهم نور واحد “ all the Imams are one light. If this saying is correct then how can one justify the difference of Imam Mahdi’s position with other Imams (a.s.)?

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Question 9

Is ‘Ghaibat’ (concealment) specific to the 12th Imam (a.t.f.s.) or it has precedence in the past Imams and prophets?

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Question 10

Among the Imams (a.s.) why only Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) has ‘Ghaibat’ (concealment)? What is the reason and philosophy behind this ‘Ghaibat’?

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Question 11

While remembering Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), why don’t we utter his real name (due to strict prohibition found in few Shia traditions) and we call him by titles like“Mahdi” ,“Qaem Aale-Muhammad” ,“Hujjat’ullah” , “Baqiyat’allah, etc?

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Question 12

Please describe the names, number and specifications of Imam-e-Zaman’s envoys.

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Question 13

Can one meet Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) during the major concealment? If the answer is in the affirmative, then how does it reconcile with Hazrat’s ‘Tauqee’, wherein he addresses his last special envoy Ali-ibn-Muhammad Samori and says, ‘Anyone claiming to meet me prior to the rise of Sufyani and the heavenly cry is a liar and scandalmonger.

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Question 14

At which places the probability is more for seeing Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)? Is he present in public places too, or he can be seen at special places only?

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Question 15

It is said that Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) has said,“We aren’t forgetful of our Shias and we remember them.” Does he mean the entire Shias and even the sinful amongst them or he refers only the pious ones? If it is the latter case, then what would be the state of the sinful?

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Question 16

How is the position of Imam(s) in the creation of this world, and what is meant by ‘Vilayate-Takvin’ (authority over creation)? What does it imply when we say, ‘Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) is the medium for receiving bounties and blessings?

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Question 17

How would be the physical appearance of Imam (a.t.f.s.) at the time of his Reappearance? Considering his long age, would he look old or young?

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Question 18

If Imam’s Reappearance is connected to the earth getting filled with injustice and oppression, then is it useful to pursue the goodness, beneficence and piety?

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Question 19

Despite the presence of numerous pious and religious figures who are involved in good deeds and affairs in the entire world, why doesn’t Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) manifest himself?

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Question 20

Today, most people say that majority of the signs of reappearance of Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) have already occurred. Is this true? Basically, to what extent are the signs of reappearance influential in Imam’s advent?

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Question 21

Some traditions talk about new religious laws and commandments during Imam-e-Zaman’s rule. Does it mean he would bring a religion different from that of the holy prophet (s.a.w.a.)?

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Question 22

It is said in the Islamic traditions that justice will be dominant during Imam-e-Zaman’s rule. Does refer to mere social justice or covers individual aspects too?

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Question 23

Manifestation of religion and the prophet’s traditions, and severance of the oppressors’ arms is the duty of all Muslims. So how do we recite in Dua’e-Nudba: ‘O Allah! Through him, manifest Your religion, and make evident Your prophet’s traditions. Also, we recite, ‘Where is the one stored-up for severing the arms of the oppressors?

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Question 24

Will Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) judge the Ahl’e-kitab (people of the Book) by their own books?

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Question 25

After ‘Zuhoor’, will Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) make use of modern technologies or not? Also, will technology continue its advancement at that time or will its progress come to a halt?

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Question 26

How would be the economic condition during Imam-e-Zaman’s rule and how would the economy run during his reign?

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Question 27

Is Hazrat Mahdi dependent on our ‘Sadaqa’ (alms and charity) that we pay for his safety and well-being? In the same way, does he need the recommendable prayers or other deeds that we perform and gift to him, or perform on his behalf? Basically, what is the consequence of such actions for Imam (a.t.f.s.)?

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Question 28

It is well-known that Hazrat Mahdiwill rise at the time when the earth is filled with tyranny and oppression until he would fill it with justice and equity. So, should we encourage oppression and corruption so that Imam’s ‘Zuhoor’ (manifestation) draws near? Consequently, if oppression and tyranny in the earth is the pre-condition to his coming then what is the duty of the one awaiting him? Should he strive to pave the way for such oppression?!

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Question 29

How do the companions of other Imams differ from the companions of Imam-e-Zaman?

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Question 30

Is it possible to establish connection with Hazrat Mahdiin the usual and normal manner? Or the condition for such meeting is abandonment of worldly life and engaging oneself in spiritual life and in short leading a monastic life?

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