“By sun and his light, by the moon when it follows (the sun), by the day when it reveals his radiance, by the night when it enshrouds it….” (entire chapter)
Sulayman Al-Dailami said, I asked Imam Sadiq (as) about the verse, “By the sun and his light”
Imam (as) replied, “The sun” is the Messenger of Allah (sawa) who illuminated the religion for the people.
I asked (about the verse), “By the moon when it follows (the sun)”
Imam (as) replied, (“The moon”) is the Commander of the Believers (as) who followed the Messenger of Allah (sawa).
I asked (about the verse), “By the day when it reveals his radiance”.
Imam (as) replied, (“The day”) is an Imam from the children of Fatemah (sa) who are the progeny of the Messenger of Allah (sawa) who will replace the darkness of oppression and inequity with light. Allah mentions him by saying, “By the day when it reveals his radiance”, referring to the Qaem (as).
I asked (about the verse), “By the night when it enshrouds it”.
Imam (as) replied, (This verse) refers to the leaders of injustice who governed tyrannically the affairs against the family of the Messenger of Allah (sawa) and assumed the positions that belonged to the family of the Messenger of Allah (as). They enshrouded the religion of Allah with oppression and inequity. Therefore, Allah mentions their acts by saying, “By the night when it enshrouds it.” (Taweel Al Ayat Al Zahirah verse 778)
Imam Sadiq (as) said, “By the sun and his light” – “The sun” is the Commander of the Believers (as).
“His light” is the rising of the Qaem (as), for Allah says, “The people (will) assemble in the broad daylight”(Chapter 20 verse 59).
“By the moon when it follows (the sun)” refers to Hasan (as) and Husain (as).
“By the day when it reveals his radiance” refers to the rising of the Qaem (as).
“By the night when it enshrouds it” refers to Habtar and his government who are “enshrouded” from Haqq.
“By the heaven and that (power) which built it” refers to Mohammed (sawa) the one through whose knowledge the creation was elevated.
“By the earth and that (power) which spread it out”. “The earth” refers to the 5hia.
“By the soul and that (power) which perfected it” refers to the believer who is on the right (path), who has protected his faith.
“And inspired it what is evil and what is good” means (the believer) can differentiate between Haqq and falsehood.
“Verily he succeeds who purifies it and verily he fails who corrupts it”. This means that the soul that Allah has purified will succeed and the soul that is corrupted will fail.
“The Thamud belied (the truth) in their rebellious transgression”. Thamud is a group from (among the) Shia, for Allah says, “As to (the people of) Thamud We guided them but they preferred blindness to guidance; so the torment of a humiliating chastisement seized them”. This refers to the (“torment”) of the sword when the Qaem (as) rises.
“Then the Messenger of Allah said to them: ‘This is Allah’s she-camel, let her drink” – “She-camel” refers to the Imam who educates the people with the teachings of Allah and “drink” refers to the knowledge which is with the Imam.
“But they belied him and hamstrung her. So their Lord completely destroyed them for their sins and leveled them all”. This verse refers to Raj’at.
“He does not fear the consequences”. This means that when “he” (the Imam (as)) comes back, he will not be afraid of similar acts. (Taweel Al Ayat Al Zahirah page 776)